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A Collection of Tributes to Kevin Dubrow

By Newsferatu, Writer
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @ 10:33 PM

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Quiet Riot frontman Kevin Dubrow was found dead in his Las Vegas apartment on Sunday. the cause of death is still unknown. The Coroner investigating the death said the final report will not be ready until toxicology results are back (usually within 12 days).

Several rock stars/friends have made statements about Dubrow's passing. Here are some of them:

Dee Snider:

"Kevin DuBrow is dead. This hits pretty damn hard.

Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister had a lot of respect for each other. The basis for this came from the fact that both Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister formed in 1973 — long before the rebirth of heavy metal or 'hair metal,' as it came to be known, in the '80s. When Quiet Riot (on the West Coast) and v (on the East Coast) were formed, it was an outgrowth of the glam rock movement of the early '70s and both our bands fought the good fight against the onslaught that was disco (ugh!). When most other bands gave up or switched allegiances to what was more commercially viable at the time, both of our bands refused to bend — or break, for that matter — and carried the torch for heavy rock through the dark days of the mid-to-late '70s. As a result, Quiet Riot were not only at the forefront to the L.A. metal scene, they were the inspiration for many other bands who went on to find fame and fortune.

If you were to look back at old issues of L.A. music papers, you'd see every band who ever became anything out of L.A. opening for Quiet Riot. And it was Kevin DuBrow and Quiet Riot's perseverance and refusal to take no for an answer that literally destroyed the barriers of the record industry, television and commercial radio and opened the door for all metal bands to follow into the promised land. And we all know the glory days of metal that followed.

Thank you, Kevin.

And because Twisted Sister was doing, and had done, the same thing for the music scene on the East Coast, our two bands have always shared a mutual respect for one another. We know that none of the other bands (with the possible exception of Y&T, who were doing pretty much the same thing in Northern California) had been through the shit that we'd been through. We had earned our battle scars and our right to stand on those coliseum stages...while we felt many others had not.

It's because of this connection that the passing of Kevin DuBrow hits us particularly hard. You've all heard the saying, 'There by the grace of God go I.' Well, it's never been truer than now.

The metal community has lost a powerful voice and a great frontman, but let it never be said that Kevin DuBrow did not leave his mark. You kicked our asses, Kevin, you really did."

Nikki Sixx:

I was thinking about sitting in Kevin's Apt in 1979.....I had just been over to Randy Rhoades (Who still lived with his Mom at the time) Learning some of their songs.....Randy called Kevin while I was there and told him they should get me to be the bass player in Quiet Riot. I Passed......Cause we all had a destiny...... Today is a sad day......He always did what he loved most, Music and always said what was on his mind....And that is the measure of a man....He will be missed....I'm grateful to have those early memories.... Before the fame....Just kids with dreams...... I send my love and support to his family and friends....I know this is a hard time......

Frankie Banali:

I want to thank everyone
I want to thank everyone for the hundreds of condolences that I've received in honor of Kevin which continues to pour in. With Kevin's passing a very large part of my life and my history has come to end and I can't imagine life without his presence.

I've not slept. There is such a void in every part of my life now. I can't find any words to say that make any sense of it. I can't fix this, I can't change this and I'm expected accept the unbearable. I can't utter a sentence or think of my dear friend or even say his name without a flood of tears.

I can't stand that I won't hear his voice on the phone.
I can't stand that I won't step on a stage with him again.
I can't stand that I won't share another day with him.
I can't stand that I won't sit across from him laughing.
I can't stand to go past the room and see the awards we earned and shared.
I can't stand that life is forever changed.
I can't stand that I can't change this.
I can't stand that I have to accept this.

This is a picture that Kevin sent to me on May 24, 2007. It was taken in 1993 after we had reconciled and started working together again and when he sent it to me he called to say that this is how he will always like to remember us as friends. A relationship in life that continued until now. I want to remember my dear Kevin in life like this rather than in his passing.

Quiet Riot Guitarist Alex Grossi:

"I really don't know where to start. Kevin was a beautiful soul and I feel more than fortunate to have known, worked and learned from him. Kevin was always a positive influence in what sometimes can be a very negative business. I am proud to have called him my friend, and always will be.

Kevin DuBrow was a true lover of music and was EXTREMELY dedicated to his craft.

I am honored to have been part of a band that changed the face of hard rock forever and to have been given the opportunity to play, write, and most importantly be part of his life. He will be forever missed.

Rest in peace, my friend."

Paul Stanley:

"Kevin DuBrow, lead singer of Quiet Riot has passed. He will be missed by many. My prayers go out to his family."

Annihilator's Jeff Waters

"Quiet Riot had an impact on me when I was a teen and when I wasn't listening to their music, I was playing it or seeing a cover band that was playing it! Metal Health was a brilliant record and his voice and (Carlos) Cavazo's playing was damn good for that time... and very influential to many others. From (Rudy) Sarzo licking his thumb to the spandex and posing; pure cheese but great cheese! Their music was rock and metal and party music all in one. It is a sad day for metal, as DuBrow and Quiet Riot helped, in their own way, make metal what it has become today. RIP, dude. You will be missed by many and thanks for the memories and the music."

Ex-Warrant guitarist Billy Morris:

"Wow. Today I learned that my friend Kevin DuBrow passed away. This blows me away. No one would ever imagine this happening to Kevin, especially me, after knowing him for the past eight years. During our tours together, he would really take care of himself, eating well (certainly better than the rest of us). He'd take his vitamins every day, and always kept his body and voice in check. One thing about Kevin was that he was always so thankful for what he had. Performing live and creating music were his passions, and he was grateful for the time he spent with his friends and fans. The rock scene has lost an icon, an individual who brought it every night! Kevin, you will be missed."

Rudy Sarzo:

"All of us are in shock trying to deal with this. "The last thing you expect when you get up in the morning is something like this. He was somebody who really loved life. He loved to have fun and have a great time. Every day to him was like a party - that's what it was like when I played with him. I think he’ll be remembered for being a hell of a rock singer. He was definitely one of the best singers of the '80s."

Poison Drummer Rikki Rockett:

"I have known Kevin DuBrow for close to 20 years or so. Quiet Riot put metal on the radio in the early '80s in spite of the vanilla new wave surge of DURAN DURAN clones at the time. However he died or why, let's just remember the colossal contributions that he made. Rest in peace, my brother."

Glenn Hughes:

"We are all grieving. Kevin and I were brothers. We spoke daily, and I mean on the phone, not e-mail. The Kevin that I knew was a beautiful human being. He was kind, giving, nurturing. And generous. He would stay at my L.A. home when he was in town. I never saw Kevin loaded. He respected my sobriety. He always spoke how about the change of my lifestyle, and how he also wanted to change his. The last conversation I had with him 10 days ago was about this subject; he said he had to make some life changes. I was so happy and elated to hear this. (His wife) Gabi and I spoke to him last on Friday, November 16th. He wanted to know if I could pick him up at LAX. On the 23rd, the day of a party at my house. Then there was nothing, no communication. Zero. Come Thanksgiving I knew something was strange. At the house, Kevin's room was prepared as always, with his fave candies next to the bed. He always requests them when he stays. I thought, he's gonna come jumping through the door any minute and demand to play the winner of the pool game between Chad Smith and myself. As the party ended, Gabi and I spoke of his absence. She was very upset. All along, I felt something seriously wrong. Come Sunday morning, I couldn't take it anymore and called Lark Williams, Kev's ex-girlfriend. She was in San Francisco. I asked her if she knew a paramedic who could go over to Kev's house and investigate. Dana, the medic, got in the house only to find my sweet brother at peace. I am completely shellshocked. We were planning to go to Hawaii for some relaxation in the New Year. For those of you that didn't know him, he was a true, true friend. l'm gonna miss our dinners at the Palm in Beverly Hills. I'm gonna miss his loud voice bellowing through my house. I'm gonna miss those oh-so-corny jokes. We all will miss him.

Sleep well, brother. Your legacy is in good hands with me. Your loving brother, Glenn."

KNAC.COM On-Air Personality, Diana DeVille:

I had the pleasure of meeting Kevin on several occasions, and my favorite Kevin memory is being in Dallas, Texas on the Poison tour (I believe it was Poison, Warrant, Faster Pussycat)...that weekend also on the bill were Great White, Enuff Znuff and Quiet Riot - seven bands on one bill! I was interviewing all the bands for a story for KNAC.com, and I sat down with Kevin and wound up with so much information, I wrote a completely separate article just on Quiet Riot. Everyone laughed about his being such a talker, but I just found him so willing to share and his openness was very refreshing.

He was always great to me, and whatever problems he might have had with other people, I found him a very professional, warm person. His passing will most definitely leave a void in our world, and it is very heartwarming to see all the response from fans all over mourning his loss. I like to think that he has by now found Randy Rhoads and is having one rock and roll party in rocker nirvana right about now.

KNAC.COM Writer, Jeff Kerby:

Upon finding out the Kevin Dubrow of Quiet Riot passed away on Sunday, I couldn’t help feeling as though a part of my formative years had died as well. What people in the music business never seem to understand when discussing QR is just how damn important this band was to the many burgeoning metalheads of the time. In my mind, I have the most vivid memories of listening to Quiet Riot’s Metal Health cassette back to back with Pyromania from Def Leppard. Sure, to many, this introduction to rock was sort of a gateway to harder music, but the point is that for many, without QR blasting down the door to the mainstream, countless teens like me might have spent their prime fucking and drinking years listening to Bananarama or Kajagoogoo. Hell, Quiet Riot saved me from another ten years of listening to the fuckin’ Eagles…the Eagles…..oh, my lord…the debt here is enormous. I mean, when I was thirteen, I thought Kevin would live forever. Hell, I figured I would live forever. Basically, being reminded of one’s mortality is never pleasant.

What I liked about Dubrow most was probably what caused him to draw ire from many, and that would be his outspokenness and willingness to engage in the quintessential rock star lifestyle during the band’s halcyon days whether it rubbed some people the wrong way or not. Yes, I understand that this is also what ultimately alienated him from many of his peers in the L.A. scene, but-cliché or not-it was also this quality that made him a rock star to me. My perspective is that if Kevin was a loudmouth during the band’s heyday, then good for him--if he spent a great deal of time partying and snorting coke off of strippers asses and basically having the time of his life, then, the hell with it, that’s cool with me too. Whether or not Dubrow let success go to his head in the 80’s isn’t really an issue for me either—if the lead singer of the biggest band in the US at that time decides he wants to act in a bombastic manner that irritates countless others, then isn’t that the point? To me, his vulnerability and willingness to engage in what life has to offer while speaking his mind is what made him a person. I wish more musicians were like him--there are precious few around today. Hell, we’re all imperfect—he just had the good fortune to be a position where countless music fans were interested and watching as Kevin made his mistakes. Face it, if there was a time when that had to end, then that is part of the beauty of it—we are only here for a specific period of time and then we’re gone. If everyone lived forever and was successful, then there wouldn’t be anything special about the story of Kevin Dubrow….and that certainly isn’t the case here.

In the end, I don’t know why part 2 of this interview never went up after the first one….I had forgotten about it completely until hearing the news and talking to Phil about it yesterday. The prospect of going back and transcribing the second part of the interview after Dubrow’s death was more than a little eerie, but I also figured there must have been some reason for the events. Please understand--I don’t purport to be Kevin’s buddy or pal or friend—no, I was simply someone who spoke him for an hour with the tape recorder on…that’s all. This is what was said---long live the mouth of the alligator.

Kevin Dubrow R.I.P.

KNAC.COM Contributor Deb Rao:

I still can't believe it. I was so shocked when I logged on to KNAC.COM Monday morning. I did a double take. I just saw Kevin on my Birthday, September 2nd at The Woodstock Fair. What a great show. Fans were holding up "Rehab" signs. Quiet Riot also performed 3 songs that night that went over very well with the diverse age bracket.

Kevin had a larger than life personality. He had such a magnetic personality. I think that is what is making his death so difficult. Although, we was a Rock Star, he was also a real down to earth person that never tried to hide his feelings or pretend to be something he wasn't. I truly never met anyone like him.

I never thought at such a young age, the world would lose such a legend to the 80's genre. To see Frankie and Kevin together and the love they had for each other was so great. I remember at Foxwoods hanging not to long ago. Everyone was laughing and having the best of times.

It seems to ironic that night at Foxwoods that Kevin dedicated,"Thunderbird" to Randy with so much love. He really did have a big heart. He was like the staple of the 80's.

It is just tragic. Words can't describe his loss. Quiet Riot were such an important part of the 80's. I feel that a piece of magic of the 80's genre has died with him.

KNAC.COM Writer/Photographer, Gnarly Charlie:

He belted out songs in the hard rock tradition--loud, dirty, and wide open. Kevin DuBrow, the gravel-throated menace to the status quo will be sorely missed, especially by the class of '83...and all those who loved to get down to "Slick Black Cadillac."

Of interest, the website Woozyfly has built what they are calling a "permanent" Kevin Dubrow tribute page, called Kevin Dubrow Lives Forever.

Tuff Frontman, Stevie Rachelle:

My memories of Kevin DuBrow.

I was a high school junior (1983) watching MTV and saw this spider like front man prowling across my TV clad in stripes. He encouraged me to bang my head. And I did.

A few years later (1986) going to see Quiet Riot in concert with special guest Poison. I couldn’t believe how powerful Kevin’s voice was. Quiet Riot & the openers –both blew me away.

In Hollywood late 80s standing around at the “Rainbow Bar & Grill” and seeing him walk in tall and lanky. He was very full of life. A true rock star.

At LAX airport mid 90s walking along and realized that Kevin & Frankie Banali were neck and neck with me to the gate. “Hey where you guys going?” Kevin replies with his voice on 10! “To play a festival in Oklahoma. What about you guys, what you up to?” Hello, handshakes, and goodbyes all in less than a minute. It felt cool knowing we were comrades in this industry.

Early millennium (2001-02) I was playing “Pinkees” in Las Vegas with my cover band Motley Priest. We went into “Metal Health” and next thing I know Kevin is standing right next to the stage smiling at me. I motioned to him to come up. He obliged and walked on stage during the solo, the place went crazy as he did the breakdown. He handed me the microphone back. I was honored.

Late 2004 Kevin informs me of his love for Metal Sludge and we become e-buddies. We exchanged e-mails and phone calls every few months. He was always SO nice, and offered to take me to a nice dinner more times than I can count. Being a Dad in recent years, and life in general took up my time – I never took him up on it. It’s kind of like a “Cats in the Cradle” scenario I guess. I regret not going.

Metal Sludge filmed a TV pilot (2005-06) with Kevin & Frankie, Paul Gargano, DJ Will & Happenin’ Harry. It was a great time, we all had so much in common and so many stories that intertwined. Kevin was watching play back at one point and said: “Wow, looks killer, just like one of those VH1 shows.” I was proud.

Walking down Melrose last summer I run into Kevin and Alexx Grossi. Kevin says: “Dude, we’re going to Jamba Juice, let me buy you one!” I went, we laughed, talked about the “Bad Boys of Metal “ tour and parted ways going opposite directions down the street. He talked me into the wheat grass shot too. I choked it down.

We had not talked much in recent months. I heard disturbing news on Sunday night and called him several times. I kept getting his voice mail, which was full. Hearing his voice made me think of what a great guy Kevin DuBrow was and how much I will miss him. I am truly saddened to lose my friend.

Stevie Rachelle

Founding member of Quiet Riot, Kelly Garni:

No need to state the obvious. First off I want to thank all of you who either called or emailed me. I'm sorry I can't respond to them individually as it would be a huge endeavor. I also want to thank everyone who refrained from jumping to conclusions and starting rumors. This has been a very traumatic tragedy to me and because of the fireworks usually associated with Kevin, I was expecting an avalanche of negativity that both me and Frankie usually have to deal with. And I'm happy to say that for the most part, everyone did nothing but express good feelings. Unfortunately what negativity that did occur was internal and while inconvenient , I was able to handle.

On Sunday, while I was working I got a phone call from Kevin's home security company. It was at about 3:15 in the afternoon. I am the only one who gets a call when ever his alarm goes off and usually I go to his house and let the guards in to check things out. However, Kevin had had his front doors replaced a few weeks ago and I did not yet have a key so I told them to send the guards and if there was a problem I would go there and take care of it. They also told me that Kevin's voice mail was full. That was the first sign of trouble to me. I got on the phone to Frankie in LA and asked if Kevin was with him. He said no and that he hadn't talked to Kevin in about 10 days. He said he thought Kevin was with one of his girlfriends. From there, I started to track her down. I have never met her and only after Frankie gave me her name was I able to find her which was relativity easy. By now about 10 minutes had passed. She said that Kevin had missed Thanksgiving with her (one of 2 girls he was supposed to have thanksgiving with. Well, he IS Kevin) She said she had gone to his house and left him many messages without response and that she had a very bad feeling about this. Right then, my other phone rang. I have 3 phones in my house and little did I know soon all 3 would be ringing nonstop. I put the phone down on the table with girlfriend #2 still on the line and it was Frankie on the phone. He told me what had happened. I lost all composure at that point and told FB I would call him back. Now to the other phone where I had the unpleasant task of telling #2 the news. Needless to say she freaked. GF#1 was Lark Williams who was in San Fran at the time. She was worried about Kevin as well and she had called a paramedic friend of hers to go check on Kevin. The guy happened to be very close to his house. With Lark on the phone, the guy went to Kevin's and was looking into windows and told Lark he could see his keys on the counter. Lark told him to break in immediately. It was a very ballsy and good thing she did. The guy broke in (hence the call from the alarm co.) and found Kev. This all happened in about 20 minutes time. From there, police, fire, everybody was called. He was found in bed. I talked with a Detective who was there and they hadn't even removed Kevin yet. He said "We have found no signs of foul play and are ruling this an accidental death". Last I heard from Kevin's brother, there was going to be a service this Sunday in Corona del Mar, Ca. Kevin will be buried next to his father. But then I was told that the coroner was still not done so that was kind of up in the air. I have not heard from them since. Peter Margolis was one of the first people I called. I had had to tell the news to Kevin's brother as well and I really didn't want to go through that again with others who are important in our lives. He was very kind was immediately saddened and said right off he wouldn't wish this on anybody. I read his statement and can say that he did in fact want to work out the differences between Kevin and himself. From here, I am not going to point out all the other things to you that people say when an icon dies. Kevin was what he was and he lived his life as such.

To me, Kevin was my brother for 35 years. And like brothers, we had our differences. But many many times over dinner, we discussed how great it was to be able to sit across from each and laugh about all the terrible things we said and did to each other. He was always there for me, and I was always there for him. The last time I saw him was on our mutually shared birthday, Oct 29, He gave me a big hug and a really great present. The best present though was the hug. I will miss him terribly. I pray that those who had issues with him don't take this opportunity to celebrate this. If you knew Kevin well enough to have a beef with him, then you knew him well enough to know he had a very good side to him as well. Thank you all for all your kindness. Please remember him for the one thing he wanted to be since he was born. A ROCKSTAR.

Black Sabbath Drummer, Bill Ward:

"On Monday, November 26th, I was saddened and shocked to hear the CNN News report announcing the death of Kevin DuBrow. Sincere condolences to Kevin's family and friends. We shall make an announcement of his passing on our Christmas radio show on December 8th, and also dedicate the show, in part (as we sadly do far too often these days,) to Kevin's family. In January, during our metal show, we'll play two Quiet Riot songs as an acknowledgement to Kevin's work.

His voice was like no other - an original artist aligned to passion, mayhem and verse."

Megadeth Bassist, James Lomenzo:

I met Kevin many years ago in the mid-'90s. I was considering playing with Quiet Riot so I went down to a rehearsal to Jam. Kevin surprised me. He was gracious, kind and I was blown away by the power and tone of his voice in the room. I'd heard all the stories but for me, he seemed like he really had it together that night. I'm glad to say that I have a very found memory of him and I'm glad I had that opportunity to meet and make music with him. I know he'll be missed"

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