Stephen Pearcy Live in Evansville, IN
Tokemaster General,
Saturday, April 19, 2003 @ 10:20 PM
Stephen Pearcy Live at the Oxy
REVIEW BY: Darin Worthington, Evansville, IN
A few summers ago, I was in St. Louis on business and wound up staying in the same hotel as Ratt when they were on the Poison summer tour. They were awesome guys. They invited me to their table for drinks, gave me t-shirts and back stage passes, the whole nine yards. But on that tour, Stephan Pearcy didn't really look like he wanted to be on stage. He came out, sang his songs, and left. No emotion at all.
Well, if you get to catch his solo show, DON"T MISS IT!!!!! He was at the Oxygen Night Club in Evansville IN, Monday April 14th. The crowd was a little sparse which had me worried that Mr. Pearcy wouldn't care much about the show. I was wrong. He started of with an awesome tune from his solo record (Social Intercourse) called “Ya Talkin' To Me?” Then he quickly kicked in some classic Ratt N' Roll: “Round and Round,” “You’re In Love,” “Back For More,” “Lovin' You is a Dirty Job” and “Lay It Down” then followed.
He mixed in one other solo effort called “Freak,” which also was pretty cool. He played three or four more classic Ratt songs that I don't quite recall do to my "cold beverage intake." I'm not one to push solo material on people, but after the show I purchased Social Intercourse. It's definitely worth a listen.
All in all, the show was great. Pearcy signed autographs afterward and everyone at the show seemed satisfied with some great ‘80s rock and roll.
 Send your live reviews to [email protected]
