Manowar Headline Metal Meltdown 4
Frank Meyer,
Contributing Editor
Wednesday, January 30, 2002 @ 4:47 PM
Manowar And Twiztid Top Metal
Metal warriors Manowar and Insane Clown Posse cohorts Twiztid have been confirmed to headline Metal Meltdown 4, bringing an unprecedented air of diversity to the annual metal festival, held this year on April 5th and 6th at Convention Hall in Asbury Park, N.J.
Further increasing Metal Meltdown’s varied-genre lineup, death metal veterans Deicide and New Wave of British Heavy Metal legends Diamond Head also have top performance spots on the show.
Metal Meltdown will be the first U.S. performance by Diamond Head, which was made a household name when avid fans Metallica covered their songs “Am I Evil?,” “Helpless,” “It’s Electric,” and “The Prince.”
Other bands schedule for Metal Meltdown 4 are Edguy, The Crown, Fleshcrawl, Steel Attack, Graves, Blaze, October 31, Wayne, D.R.I., Witchfynde, Blitzkrieg, Hate Eternal, Cadaver Inc., Exodus, Today is the Day, Alabama Thunder Pussy, Macabre, Usurper, The Hoods, HavocHate, Abdullah, Anguish in Exile, Anal Blast, Chthonic, Defiled, Dying Fetus, Rob Rock, Artch, Pissing Razors, Burnt By the Sun, Pessimist, Skinless, Mastodon, Tapping the Vein, Bongzilla, The Fallen, Shai Hulud, Beyond the Embrace, Disinter, Dick Delicious, Gargantua Soul, Dragon Green, Anybody Killa, George is Dead, Forest Gloom, All Borough Kings, Mastodon, SFSF, Antipathy, Mindscar, Mental Distortion, Endever, Ground Swell, Haiz Hail, Cryptameria, Return 2 Zero, Filth Porn, Cystimform, Sorrows End, Anguish in Exile, Reflux, Beheaded, Mortality, Deteriorot, Dimentianon, Skinslip, Vesperian Sorrow, Incinerate, Kalibas, Halo, Rune, Charnel House, Episode One, Red Right Hand, Thyk, Candy Striper Death Orgy, 137, Carv, Thy Infernal, Nightmare.
Metal Meltdown 4 is All Ages with re-entry permitted. Tickets go on sale Friday, February 1. The cost is $55 for a two-day pass and $35 for a one-day ticket (plus service charges where applicable). Tickets are available through TicketMaster (201/507-8900,, Relapse Records (800/303-0606, Tickets my also be obtained by sending a check or money order to payable to "Jack Koshick Presents" and a self-addressed stamped envelope to: 1626 N. Prospect Ave., Suite 1801, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (Hotline 414/225-9060).
Bands, vendors, record labels, and sponsors wishing to be a part of any of the Metal Mania Series events should contact Jack Koshick Presents, 1626 N. Prospect Avenue, Suite 1801, Milwaukee, Wis. 53202 Tel: 414/225-9026 Fax: 414/225-9025 E-mail: [email protected] or Don Decker at Nightfall Records, P.O. Box 6022, Minneapolis, MN 55406 Tel: 612/600-EVIL (3845) E-mail: [email protected].
