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Big Cock Rocks Scottsda

By CrpnDeth, Staff Photographer/Writer
Sunday, March 23, 2008 @ 10:01 AM

New CD - Motherload<

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The Martini Ranch in Scottsdale AZ is about as out of place in this city as a trailer park. From the outside it looks like any other upscale club in the city, but inside – this sardine can would have given dives like the Troubadour or Jezebel’s a run for their money in terms of standing room only. It’s really not too bad at first, but when a band has a large, loyal following the way Big Cock does, it quickly becomes a sauna with barely any room to move. Then again, maybe I’ve gotten used to the arena gigs I usually cover, and have forgotten how fun the small sweaty clubs used to be.

Once the band hits the stage with Get a Load of Me, you soon start to forget the cramped surroundings, as the band takes the full spotlight of the night. Continuing on with the high energy, the band launches in to Ride On Me and Stamina. The place is now packed to the gills and reminiscent of the clubs of old where it didn’t matter how much room there is because of the talent on the stage.

Say what you will about the band’s name, then get over it as the only thing that really matters is the music, and Big Cock delivers. Guitarist Dave Henzerling (King Kobra/Keel/Lizzy Borden) resonates riffs as big as can be with contagious melodies that brilliantly encompass Robert Mason’s (Lynch Mob/Cry of Love) vocals. The Pulverizer, drummer John Covington, is exceptionally thunderous tonight and keeps the groove flowing with bassist Colby. This is the second time I have seen Big Cock live, and Colby stays in the shadows too much, even when it’s his bass line that is rattling the glasses on tables.

This four piece is as tight as it gets, and the crowd easily feeds off the energy coming from the stage. As the band continued with Fucked Up!, Real Man and Breaking My Balls the crowd’s attention didn’t waiver once. Fists pumping, sing-a-longs with Robert – everyone was participating in one manner or another. Opening for Winger tonight, I think the band has upped the ante that Winger isn’t going to be able to follow.

Even Mick Brown (Dokken/Ted Nugent) and Michael Lardie (Great White) were enjoying the set. How could you not? The band’s bluesy hard rock style is a sorely missed element in today’s genre.

The band finished off their set with Bad Motherfucker, MILF, King of Cool and the high octane Built for Speed. Simply put, Big Cock puts on one of the best straightforward hard rock performances out there today. Catch them May 9th at the Brickhouse in Phoenix with Jackyl, or at the South Texas Rock Fest July 11 – 13th. It’s a show you won’t regret seeing.

(c) 2008 by David Svendsen

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