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Roaring Licks And A Promise: An Exclusive Interview With MAGNUM’s BOB CATLEY

By Andrew Depedro, Ottawa Corespondent
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 @ 1:59 PM

"I know my place in MAGNUM and it’s singing and that’s what I’m good at."

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How does one fully summarize the staggeringly 5-decade long-running career of legendary UK melodic hard rockers MAGNUM in maybe 40 minutes at best given their immense popularity overseas while their popularity over here in North America is relatively unknown? It isn’t entirely due to a lack of trying as the band have just released their 22nd studio album titled The Monster Roars – and frontman/self-proclaimed official tea-maker Bob Catley has lots of stories to tell about the band’s history, ranging from how the band got its name (spoiler alert: NOT from the chocolate ice cream treat) to their brief North American break in ‘82 thanks to their hometown’s famous batty rock ‘n roll rebel to taking Castle Donnington in ’85 and lots of other monkey business in between – including current touring plans such as their UK/European tour being rescheduled for the third time due to the pandemic and outing a happy melody on dark moments. Put the kettle on for a storyteller’s afternoon of chatting with the original ice cream man of melodic hard rock. It’s guaranteed to satisfy!

KNAC.COM: Hi Bob! How’re things with you?

CATLEY: Good. We’ve been busy completing the recording of the album during the second half of last year, we were in a bubble because of the pandemic, and so it’s just me and Charlie in the studio with the engineer, Sheena, and, um, yeah….we just carried on as normal, really. Glad to be doin’ it instead of just looking at the weather *laughs* because the pandemic’s really knocked people about as you know in the last couple of years. But, we’re fine, we’re good and looking forward to going on tour this year eventually. That’ll be great since it’s been pushed back about three times now, so this is the time do it hopefully, and looking forward to playing in front of all of our lovely fans who’ve been very patient, waiting for us to go on tour since March 2020, when we were told we couldn’t go touring anywhere, so, hopefully, that’s gonna be different this year, and looking forward to touring with the new album.

KNAC.COM: Yeah….I know what you mean because I remember when I reviewed your 2020 album The Serpent Rises, I’d remembered being all gung-ho and looking forward to the tour even though the band aren’t all that really well-known in North America compared to Europe, but I remember that as soon as the review was submitted, it was when COVID-19 was starting to break out literally all over the world, and we were hearing stories of bands, I think, that were caught up from COVID – like, I think there was DEATH ANGEL and TESTAMENT, when they were touring Europe, they ended up having to cancel a lot of shows afterwards because half of their band members ended up catching COVID and they had to cut the tour short. I was like “this is a bit more serious than we thought” as it had already reached Europe at the time.


KNAC.COM: But that’s great that you’ve at least gotten over it and just continued with the process of recording even though you’ve had to postpone your tour like three times.

CATLEY: Yeah….it’s been crazy after all these years. I’ve never seen anything like it. But we’re ready now and we got the album coming out on the 14th of January. It’s called The Monster Roars, it’s our 22nd album so we’re looking forward to everybody enjoying the music, hopefully, and coming to see us on tour this year, and I’m sure that it’ll happen this time, and our fans have been really patient. So, please, God, make it happen! *laughs*

KNAC.COM: *laughs*: Yeah….I don’t blame you. I think at one point you were supposed to be touring with GOTTHARD, I believe, was one of the other bands that was supposed to be touring with you at the time before the pandemic really hit.


KNAC.COM: So are GOTTHARD still on the tour as well?

CATLEY: Yes, it’s all the same. We’ve got about 12 shows that we’re doing in Germany that we were booked for that we couldn’t do because of COVID, but, yeah, that’s still happenin’ in April, and we do some shows of our own in the UK first, including Birmingham Symphony Hall, which is our big hometown gig at the end of March, and then we go with GOTTHARD in April all around Germany and then we carry on doing some of our own shows afterwards, and then we got the second part of the British tour in September. It should’ve fallen after the British tour in March, but because of the pandemic, everybody’s been trying to grab the same venues booked two years later, so we were one of many bands who were stuck in this position of fighting for a tour to happen. So, it’s been decimating, really, that we have to do it differently this time than when we would normally do it. But as long as we get around to the venues and the fans eventually, so, it’s been a bit of a cock-up, really, but we’ll get there eventually, and we’ll have done the tour and I’ve also got some AVANTASIA festivals to do in between the MAGNUM tour in the summer – July and August – I’ll be with AVANTASIA doing some festivals. So, I’ve got quite a busy year ahead of me comin’ up and I’ll really be lookin’ forward to it, but, first things first, we’re gonna start rehearsing in March for three weeks in preparation for the tour, which starts at the end of March, so that’s the first thing I wanna get out, really, when we’ve finished appropriating the new album, and hopefully, people will enjoy the music and will enjoy our 22nd album, and I’m just happy that we were able to make it, and it’s coming out very soon.

KNAC.COM: That’s good to hear. So, for those of us who aren’t familiar with MAGNUM’s popularity, perhaps you can fill in for our North American fans who are just kinda discovering you guys for the first time – I know I have been, at least over the course of a few years. Maybe, just give a brief history as to how MAGNUM came about and how you’ve managed to stay the proverbial course some 50 years later.

CATLEY: Okay. Well, me and Tony (Clarkin) started working together in 1972 in a nightclub. We were a club regular band called MAGNUM, which we’d named after a bottle of champagne because it was a nightclub, so it was a good name at the time but it kinda stuck all these years, and everybody knows that we’re called MAGNUM now after 50 years. We’ve toured many times around Europe – we’ve even toured America with OZZY OSBOURNE in 1982. That was great fun. So America’s not new to us, and we’ve recorded an album called Goodnight LA in Los Angeles with producer Keith Olson – that turned out really good – and that was in 1990. We’ve done 22 albums now and the first one was called Kingdom Of Madness back in 1978. We’ve learned our lessons and we’ve had good years and not-so-good years. We did an album with the drummer from QUEEN, Roger Taylor; he was our producer on our Vigilante album in 1986 when we recorded that in QUEEN’s mountain studios in Montreux in that year. That was a great album, it went down really well, charted quite high in Europe. We’ve done Wings Of Heaven which was #2 in the album charts in England; that took us on major tours around Europe and festivals – we would do festivals all the time – at about 1988. And we carried on, we did Goodnight LA over in America, like I said. So, we’re like a mixture of hard rock and melodic rock, I’d guess you’d say. On this album, I think we’ve gone a bit heavier on certain tracks. I think we appeal to quite a wide range of audiences, I believe. They’re all into rock, of course, but we’re not one type of rock, y’know. We’re not heavy metal. We’ve never been heavy metal, but we do have heavy tendencies *laughs* within the music. *laughs*

KNAC.COM: *laughs*

CATLEY: Also, we do light ballads, big rock ballad stuff, y’know? Like what we usually call “stadium rock” years ago, back when everybody had long hair and ripped jeans and all that *laughs*. We survived that period alright, and, so I’m glad that we’re still here. We’ve got great fans around the world, and if you like rock music, then you’re gonna like MAGNUM, I guess. The lyrics are great, they’re worth listening to, the melodies are wonderful, great guitar playing, great keyboard stuff, so, if you like keyboard-orientated rock, you’ll like MAGNUM as well. I think we appeal to many people who like us for different reasons. That’s all I can say, really! *laughs*

We’re open to new fans all the time. Our fans have known us since the late 70’s, they’ve grown up with us, which is a wonderful thing. People come to see us with their children and their grandchildren, we got families and whole generations coming to see MAGNUM these days because we’ve been going that long. *laughs*

KNAC.COM: Good for you.

CATLEY: I think our longevity’s due to our faithful fans coming to see us all the time now and at every tour and enjoying our albums over the years. So, we got a lot left in us, me and Tony. We might have been going for 50 years, but, what the hell, we can still keep doing it while we can! *laughs* And while we’re still relevant to people who still want hear the music and come to see us – or something like that! *laughs*

KNAC.COM: *laughs* Well, that did kinda sum it all well, to be honest. I’ve noticed this as well that with regards to your music – I mean, I’m kinda like a novice fan myself, and I’ve noticed that overall, the lyrics and the vibe on the new album The Monster Roars sound a lot more socially conscious than on The Serpent Rises, especially on tracks such as “That Freedom Word”, “Can’t Buy Yourself Heaven” and “Your Blood Is Violence” even though they’re heavy songs per se, but I think the lyrics and the tone really set the course for that album. Given that that album was pretty much a precursor to the events that followed with COVID and whatnot, and that both that album and the new one The Monster Roars had a bit of a message about society and mankind’s impact upon the planet, did you think that it kinda reflected a bit more on the current result of reaping what one has sown with regards to the lyrics? What’s you opinion on that?

CATLEY: Well, Tony Clarkin writes all the songs. I’m just the singer! *laughs*

And I’m happy to be the singer. I’ve been at it for long enough. I usually go through with what the songs kinda mean and Tony’s like an observationist. He’ll notice things that happen around us in the world – good things or terrible things – that affects him and he’ll put the pen to paper when he’s in the mood to do so and he’ll talk about what affects people’s emotions and relationships, and also how people can be terrible to each other, dictatorships, where a country’s run by somebody who won’t let go of power, they put the population in danger’s way through civil wars and whatnot. And terrorist happenings and stuff – all terrible stuff which he can put into writing. So, it gets quite heavy in the lyrics sometimes but he writes in such a poetic way that it doesn’t sound that terrible. You look at the actual words and you go “wow, he’s putting lyrics to a tune that’s making you happy”, y’know? Like a song like “Les Morts Dansent” from Storyteller’s Night which is a fantastic power ballad, but, that said, the subject matter is awful is what I’m trying to get across, y’know? The people are being put up against a post and shot in part of “Les Morts Dansent” – the French version is “The Dancing Dead”. And “How Far Jerusalem” from the same album wasn’t religious at all, but about young people living on the streets, sleeping on the streets in London because they were told that the streets were paved with gold. It can be a very cruel place sometimes, like any city late at night, if you got nowhere to live or no home to go to. And the stuff like this on this new album The Monster Roars, it’s a continuation. Tony writes consistently great songs about various subject matters, but those are a few of the things that he can write about that he feels strong about to his heart, and that’s where we get great songs on MAGNUM albums and I think that’s why we’re still here because people value what the songs are trying to say. But not everything is trying to say something. Some songs are just like, just enjoy it for being a good tune, y’know?

KNAC.COM: Fair enough.

CATLEY: It’s not that serious all the time. We have to lighten up sometimes and that makes up the MAGNUM album as well, y’know? You can’t have it all depressing and moody and all that. You want some light relief in there. So, that’s what you get with MAGNUM and the second single off this new album – it’s called “No Steppin’ Stone” but it’s got nothing to do with the MONKEES. *laughs*

KNAC.COM: *laughs*

CATLEY: *laughs* That’s the first thing I’d thought about too.

KNAC.COM: *laughs* I was gonna suggest that too because I remember when the SEX PISTOLSMONKEES song?” It sounded pretty heavy!

CATLEY: Yeah…it *referring to the MAGNUM song* got a great brass section on there and it’s got a great guitar solo in there, so there is moody stuff on the album but we lighten it with a bit of brass on there, and it’s very danceable! Not that I can dance! *laughs*

But people who can dance would be able to dance! *laughs* So, MAGNUM is a mixture of all of these elements. We’re not just one genre. So, I think that’s what’s kept us going all these years. That’s what I was trying to say. And there’s something for everybody on a MAGNUM album. If you’re not too keen on one track, try the next one.

KNAC.COM: I have! *laughs*

CATLEY: You might find something you’ll like!

KNAC.COM: That’s good though, because even though you’re not seen as a really politically-inspired band for the most part, but you still experiment with quite a lot of different sounds.

CATLEY: We’ve done political stuff in the past, like “Days Of No Trust” off Wings Of Heaven, and “Pray For The Day”, which was also off the same album. This was also at the time when the Berlin Wall was coming down by 1989, and we had an album out in 1988 called Wings Of Heaven. And, so, we’ve done political things in the past, like, “Pray For The Day” which was about the Wall coming down, which we would all like to see people be put together and not torn apart, which has happened in the past and will happen again. So, hopefully, music can do that and we can bring people together and make it a happy world. Hopefully, music can do that to people in times of stress. *laughs* It’s like when people say “thank you for the music”, y’know, “that song really lifted me when I was having a bad time”. It’s nice to have people be able to say that to us, so I hope it’s worth something.

KNAC.COM: Even though you’re kinda quasi-well-known in North America, your music really does provide a different type of atmosphere – I guess one could say that you straddle quite a bit of both in having the heavy lyrics on one side, but also being more light-hearted as well, and that’s really the type of balance that a band definitely has, especially one such as yours that’s been going on for 50 years. Has there ever been a case of maybe disagreeing sometimes on some of the quality of the lyrics between yourself and Tony whenever you’re writing up an album? How does that work? I know that you say that you’re just the singer and Tony’s the songwriter, but....

CATLEY: Oh, I make the tea as well! *laughs*

We might have various roles on who writes the songs, and that’s the way it should be, but we don’t have somebody else coming along and saying “oh, I got a song idea. Maybe we should do this”, but you can’t compete with the real thing. Don’t even bother. I know my place in MAGNUM and it’s singing and that’s what I’m good at. And he will bring the song along and the first thing we’ll do is get the key right when we start doing a new album. And maybe the tempo is not quite right and the words might change – sometimes just for now just to put a chorus together which can change and probably will change over the period of the recording session. We start like that and the way we go, we ask what the song is about, how does it go…that’s how we start every album, me and Tony, and then we get the other guys in the band to learn their part, so it all works very well. Everybody loves being in MAGNUM, and I look forward to singing a new song. It’s like opening a Pandora’s box with everyone watching and going “wow”, and looking at all these gems comin’ out onto the lyric sheet, and I love it. It makes it exciting. Even us old guys can get excited! *laughs*

As long as we never lose that feeling, I think that we can carry on for a long time yet, and I love singing Tony’s songs, his music’s wonderful and he’s a great guitar player, and I think he’s very underrated. I think that he should have a foot print on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame! *laughs*

KNAC.COM: He gets my endorsement for that! *laughs*

CATLEY: Y’know, I don’t need to write songs because I’ve always worked with a world-class songwriter all these years and I’d feel like I’d be insulting him by bringing in something. “Look, I’ve written this myself!” *laughs*

KNAC.COM: *laughs* Makes sense. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! That’s pretty much the lexicon whenever it comes to success. If you know how the formula works and if you’ve had success with it so far, why try and change it if you’re not familiar with anything else?

CATLEY: Makes perfect sense. There wouldn’t be any point. We wouldn’t last five minutes if people started doing that. Now – the lineup we have now – we have Lee Morris, and he’s like “I’ve always wanted to be your drummer and I’ll be the last drummer you’ll ever need in MAGNUM, believe me!” *laughs*. And our keyboard player Rick Benton, he said, “I can’t believe I’m in the band!” It’s like, he’s followed our music and now he’s our keyboard player. I mean, that is a great attitude to have with the other band members, and we also have a new bass player, Dennis Ward, who’s American and he lives in Germany, and he’s a fantastic addition to MAGNUM now. It’s great that we have him in the band though we haven’t actually toured with him yet. We’ve just rehearsed for three weeks since last year-sorry, since 2020. That’s two years ago now! But he’s great on the album, great writer, great singer and his live voice fits the album perfectly, because MAGNUM do strong two-part harmonies and also three-part harmonies.

KNAC.COM: Who did he used to play for before? Sorry….my mind’s drawing a blank right now on who he played with before he joined MAGNUM.

CATLEY: Dennis used to play with PINK CREAM 69.

KNAC.COM: Ah, yes!

CATLEY: Oh, he’s been in lots of bands, I think. PINK CREAM 69’s one of them.

KNAC.COM: PINK CREAM 69. I remember those guys.

CATLEY: And he’s played in another band called UNISONIC.

KNAC.COM: I remember those guys too.

CATLEY: Yeah…they’ve got good strong vocals. So that’s where he’s from. He’s probably been in other bands, but I don’t know of them. I’ll have to ask him when I see him. (possibly to Dennis) How many bands have you been in, Dennis? (back to me) Also, when I had a solo career many years ago, he did my last solo record – he was the producer – and he got the band together for me and he put me up when I was there doing vocals at his house for two weeks in Germany. We got on great, so I know him very well from that period. So, when we were looking for a new bass player, he was recommended to us, so here we are and we have him. So, looking forward to touring with Dennis very soon and I thank him for his input on the album. His bass playing is superb. I’m in awe at the sounds that he gets out of that bass like it’s nobody’s business. So, yeah, I’m really proud of our lineup now that we have and I’m looking forward to the future with this version of MAGNUM now and I couldn’t be happier, really.

KNAC.COM: That’s good to hear – and hopefully if things work out well, we might be able to see the return of MAGNUM to North American shores hopefully, depending on the success of the new album.

CATLEY: That’d be great to do. I’m looking forward to that. *laughs* Yes, please!

KNAC.COM: So, you said that when you toured with Ozzy at the time back in ’82, was it like a really large US tour that you did at the time or were you only just filling in on a couple of random dates here and there?

CATLEY: We got asked to go on the tour after midway through the US tour in 1982 when Randy Rhoads was killed in that accident, when his plane hit their bus.

KNAC.COM: I remember that.

CATLEY: And that was a shock to everybody, of course. And the tour was on hold. It was mid-tour. So, some time after that, we went over there and started the second part of the tour when they got another guitar player. And we were on the tour from then onwards and we went round the eastern seaboard and some of the southern states. They’d already toured the mid-west and the west coast, I believe. And it was great! We were on a lovely tour bus, we had an American crew, they were very helpful towards us, and we went all around great venues where we were playing 20,000 seaters, like indoor arenas!


CATLEY: Oh yeah. We came on and people were still comin’ in! *laughs* Like what normally happens with the opening act! *laughs*

KNAC.COM: You’re a lot more well-known than you think in the US and in North America overall. The tour never hit up Canada, unfortunately.

CATLEY: Yeah…we never played in Canada, no. But anyway, we had a great time. Thank you, Ozzy, thank you Sharon. We never made it to Canada. We never played in Canada. But on these days off, we would do a show ourselves, y’know, in some club and that was great fun. We could do our full set then instead of an opening act set. *laughs* So, that was good to do. And I thank them very much for looking after us. And I’ll never forget that tour. It was so long ago now but it did us a world of good, and we haven’t toured America since, unfortunately. We would like to change that, of course. But we’ll see what else is in the future for us now.

KNAC.COM: Hopefully, whoever’s reviewing the new album for KNAC.COM will be able to put out a good word and start telling people that MAGNUM are the real deal and they’ve been a legendary band for well over 50 years. Funny thing is, though, even though I did kinda know about you guys more or less, whenever I hear the name for some reason…you’ve actually heard of the ice cream treat called Magnum, right?


KNAC.COM: It’s a chocolate popsicle.

CATLEY: *laughs* Yes! Magnum ice cream! Yeah, I know! *laughs*

KNAC.COM: Those things were delicious! Like they were very full-on chocolate – close to diabetes on a stick. Man, that chocolate was just rich! I didn’t even know that there was also a champagne brand called Magnum until you told me with regards to the origins of the name! *laughs*

CATLEY: Yeah…the Magnum champagne. Yeah, it comes in two bottles, doesn’t it?

KNAC.COM: I guess.

CATLEY: Yeah…it’s a Magnum, I believe. *laughs*

KNAC.COM: Cool. Don’t know if we have them in Canada.

CATLEY: It was served in a nightclub like I said, and the name stuck. It was such a good name. I think MAGNUM stands for quality, and you get your money’s worth with us. *laughs*

KNAC.COM: For sure.

CATLEY: And we’re really proud of the name. We’d wanted to be called something else years ago, but we were called MAGNUM and thank God we were. And, yeah, I don’t think there are any bands like MAGNUM around anymore. I don’t know, but I don’t think that there are. I’d think that we’re quite unique in today’s music.

KNAC.COM: I’d say that maybe the closest to you guys might be – I dunno – maybe ANGRA or HAMMERFALL, but even then, they got more of a power metal element whereas you guys, you’ve got the longevity behind your name and plus, you are in terms of sound, you’re a lot more diverse and a lot more unique – like, I’d say that some of your songs are kind of a lot more straight-up rock songs. Catchy overall, but you completely run the gamut in terms of music quality, I gotta say. And sometimes I’d say that some of your lyrics are, as I mentioned earlier, have a dark tone. I know that back then you’d started off as a covers band until you started doing more original songs. At around that time when your first album was coming out, you did have the punk scene to contend with. Did that make it difficult at times for MAGNUM in terms of touring and gigging and such? How did that scene all work out?

CATLEY: When our album came out, the punk scene was still going in ’78, and we were gobsmacked that we got acknowledged that we had an album out. The music press was all punk this and punk that, and we were totally the opposite. *laughs* We were like what punk was trying to get rid of – overblown, grandiose, orchestral, melodic, melody…y’know, that old-fashioned thing, melody. And we got a pretty good review from Sounds! magazine in the UK when the album came out. And it was very complimentary and the album actually charted in the top 50! *laughs*


CATLEY: I mean, we were so unfashionable at the time that we couldn’t have been more unfashionable than that at the time. But that’s improved over the years, thankfully. Back then, when we got started, we weren’t really the music of the day. But we got ourselves some support too, and we started picking out all of the instruments for ourselves, we played with the likes of JUDAS PRIEST on their Sin After Sin album tour in 1977, and then we played with WHITESNAKE in 1978 on David Coverdale’s first WHITESNAKE tour, and BLUE OYSTER CULT the next year in 1979. And that gave us an audience who came back to see us again and again when we were doing our own headline shows, and that’s how we got started in the UK and then in Europe. That was great at the time. And we did many more tours after that – DEF LEPPARD, I think we did one of their first tours. *laughs*

KNAC.COM: Like, the High ‘N Dry tour, I think? Or On Through The Night, I believe?

CATLEY: Yeah, that’s right, before they became known in America. And, KROKUS, we played with them when their album charted high. We were on the same tour as their special guests when our album Chase The Dragon came in at #17.


CATLEY: So, we’ve played with many bands and played many gigs, and here we are, still doing it. I mean, we got one show this year coming up in the UK at the Birmingham Symphony Hall, which is a really big concert hall, so we’re hoping to do really well there. That’ll be our hometown gig.

KNAC.COM: One thing I was reading about was that venue in Birmingham that you were talking about was also the same venue that DURAN DURAN also got their same start in a few years later.

CATLEY: Yes. The Rum Runner, you mean?

KNAC.COM: Yeah! The Rum Runner.

CATLEY: Yeah…we played our first gig at the Rum Runner in Birmingham and we were supposed to be playing covers stuff but it turned out to be a free-for-all ban/open mic thing where everybody wants to get up. It was in the later years when we were there. We used to go down after their gigs and people like Cozy Powel on the drums.


CATLEY: And John Bonham, he used to get up and play. I’ve played with John Bonham a few times before that in pubs and clubs, jamming, y’know? And so we got around for that, people would come out, with Tony Iommi on the guitar, John Bonham…*laughs*

KNAC.COM: Whoa….that’s like an all-star lineup! Bonham, Iommi, Cozy Powell

CATLEY: It was fantastic! It was just playing 12-bar rock ‘n roll stuff. The characters up there, where they went to from then – this was before BLACK SABBATH had taken off, really, and LED ZEPPELIN had just formed – it was fantastic to see them up on the stage, but it got all too much for the people who ran the club. They just wanted people to dance to the music, so we all got sacked. *laughs*

KNAC.COM: Bummer.

CATLEY: And then just after that, DURAN DURAN started rehearsing there, doing a couple of shows there in their early days a couple of years after we left the Rum Runner and they took off big time after that. So, we got sacked and then we had to go out and earn a living on the road, and, like I said, we started picking up support tours and that’s how we carried on to gain an audience for ourselves. And we got signed to Polydor Records in the mid-80’s when we played Monsters Of Rock in Donington in 1985.

KNAC.COM: Yep. That was with ZZ TOP as the headliners. MARILLION and METALLICA were also on the bill, and I believe also RATT and BON JOVI as well, if I recall.

CATLEY: BON JOVI. Yes, that’s right. It was great, yeah! We did that and then we signed with Polydor on the same day. My mum was there, bless her, and she had her photo took with Jon Bon Jovi. *laughs*

And Richie Sambora. Not us, but me mum! *laughs*

KNAC.COM: “Don’t mind me. My son’s in the band!” *laughs* Or something like that.

CATLEY: She’d just wanted to get a photo with me and I was like “he’s over there”. *laughs* So, my mom thought that I was that famous at that point that everybody knew me. *laughs* But good days they were.

KNAC.COM: Cool. Well, I guess I’m kinda all out of good questions at the moment, so maybe I’m just gonna end the interview here, but it was a lot of fun chatting with you and hearing a lot more about MAGNUM in particular and pretty much the entire story about how the band formed and whatnot, and hopefully, fingers crossed, once this whole COVID pandemic bullshit is finally put behind us, you can finally do a proper North American tour which includes Canada as well. At least the whole continent will get to experience you guys and the whole magic of MAGNUM.

CATLEY: Yeah, that will be our plan, man!

KNAC.COM: For sure.

CATLEY: We do have a European tour coming up this year soon, but we would love to tour the States and Canada as well. Please, let that happen!

KNAC.COM: Shall do.

CATLEY: It was a very nice interview and I want to thank all of our American fans and our Canadian fans and thank you for sticking with MAGNUM after all of these years, and hopefully you enjoy the new album The Monster Roars, be good, stay safe, and hopefully we’ll see all of you sometime.

KNAC.COM: Cheers, Bob. And thanks again!


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