DEATHFEAST OPEN AIR Reveals Full 2024 Lineup
Larry Petro,
News Monkey
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @ 11:22 AM
August 22nd To 24th At The JUZ In Andernach, Germany
The most brutal festival of the year, Deathfeast Open Air, is drawing closer! The full lineup for Deathfeast Open Air 2024 is now unveiled, featuring a unique assembly of brutal, technical, slamming death metal, grindcore, and deathcore acts from around the globe. Mark your calendars for three days of relentless metal mayhem at the JUZ in Andernach from August 22nd to 24th, 2024.
Prepare for an unforgettable experience with performances by:
- THE RED CHORD (USA) - Technical Death Metal / Grindcore / Deathcore (Exclusive EU Show)
- WAKING THE CADAVER (USA) - Slam Death Metal (Exclusive EU Show)
- CEPHALOTRIPSY (USA) - Slam Death Metal (Exclusive EU Show)
- DISENTOMB (Australia) - Brutal Death Metal
- DISAVOWED (Netherlands) - Brutal Death Metal
- HIDEOUS DIVINITY (Italy) - Technical Death Metal
- STILLBIRTH (Germany) - Brutal Surf Death Metal
- DEHUMANIZING ITATRAIN WORSHIP (China) - Slam Death Metal (Exclusive EU Show)
- GUTTURAL SLUG (Denmark) - Slam Death Metal
- GOROD (France) - Technical Death Metal
- PUTRIDITY (Italy) - Brutal Death Metal
- KORPSE (Netherlands) - Slam Death Metal
- INHUME (Netherlands) - Death/Grind
- DISTASTE (Austria) - Grindcore
- TEETHING (Spain) - Grindcore
- 357 HOMICIDE (UK) - Slam Death Metal
- MAXIMIZE BESTILITY (Germany) - Slam Death Metal
- CENOTAPH (Turkey) - Brutal Death Metal
- DIAROE (Germany) - Groove Death Metal
- THE VOYNICH CODE (Portugal) - Deathcore
- HUMAN VIVISECTION (Belgium) - Slam Death Metal
- CHORDOTOMY (Germany) - Slam Death Metal
- SODOMIZED CADAVER (UK) - Old School Death Metal
- BARREN (Belgium) - Grindcore
- DEVINE DEFILEMENT (Iceland) - Slamming Death Metal
- A CALL FOR REVENGE (Mexico) - Deathcore
- CROWN THE BEAST (Denmark) - Groovy Death Metal
- PRAY FOR PAIN (Austria) - Death Metal / Deathcore
- DEATHAWAITS (France) - Groovy Death Metal
- PUTRID DEFECATION (Finland) - Slam Death Metal
- PAEDIATRICIAN (Hungary) - Brutal Slamming Death Metal
- INFESTATION (Lithuania) - Slam Death Metal
- UNHALLOWED DELIVERANCE (Germany) - Technical Death Metal
This year's edition features 33 bands from 19 different countries, promising a global onslaught of the heaviest and most extreme metal genres.
"We're incredibly excited to bring such a diverse and powerful lineup to Deathfeast Open Air 2024. This year, we're especially looking forward to the exclusive performances by The Red Chord, Waking The Cadaver, Cephalotripsy, and Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship - bands that are rarely seen in Europe. It's going to be a great feast for all death metal fans" said Lukas Swiaczny, festival organizer.
Tickets are on sale now!
Get your 3-Day Tickets and 3-Day Tickets with Camping at our official ticket shop: Buy Tickets HERE.
Please note, single-day tickets will only be available at the door.
Festival Location:
JUZ in Andernach
Stadionstr. 88
56626 Andernach, Germany
Deathfeast Open Air 2024 is set to be an explosive edition. See you in the pit!
