Full Blown Chaos - Heavy Lies the Crown
Staff Photographer/Writer
Monday, October 1, 2007 @ 10:06 AM
Ferret Records is showing that they are becoming a metal label to be reckoned with, and with this debut from Full Blown Chaos is no exception.
The opening track, Firefight, quickly grabs you by the throat with searing riffs by guitarist Matt Facci and begins its merciless double bass pummeling by drummer Jeff Facci. Bassist Mike “Lurk” Ruehle fills the rhythm by the time vocalist Ray Mazzola chimes in with his distinguished growls.
What I quickly like about this release is that the heaviness of the drums and guitar work are solid and intertwine. Ray’s gritty vocals are just as heavy without having to be undecipherable scream-o that plagues most of this genre.
The Hard Goodbye kicks it up a notch without becoming derailed by technicalities in speed. The breakdown shows that slowing down can also be just as heavy and punishing.
The band takes a brief moment to showcase the musicianship with Mojave Red Pt 1. Definitely an interesting break from the direction the rest of the disc takes. Slower and more melodic, they let you take a breath before continuing the assault with Mojave Red Pt 2.
This entire disc is a wonderful slab of metal and fits well in to any collection, but when you listen to it a few times or have it on in the background, you do realize that within its differences, the similarities are apparent and many of the riff structures seem like they repeat themselves. Regardless, a top notch debut from a promising band. Currently on tour with Alabama Thunderpussy and Obituary so if you get the chance, catch them. They will more than likely give the headliners a run for thier money.
Heavy Lies the Crown is available now in the KNAC.COM More Store. Click here to buy yours.