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Queensryche is BACK!

By CrpnDeth, Staff Photographer/Writer
Monday, December 31, 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Queensryche rips through the Marquee

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Been an interesting year to say the least in the Queensryche camp. With Geoff being fired by the rest of the band, and the judge in the lawsuit ruling that both sides can use the name Queensryche, the band now falls in to the category of one side having to use something to distinguish them from the other side. Naturally, Geoff stepped up to that task, even though he hasn't toured yet (his website only lists one date), while the 'other' Queensryche has dates through April.

It is kind of discouraging to read all the mud that Geoff is throwing at the other side. I'm sure the situation stings, more than any of us will ever know, but he has yet to step up and take the high road (like the 'other' Queensryche). Probably in his panic of the possibility of slipping in to "Where Are They Now?" category, he has made such statements regarding damage being done to the brand name, as well as having affidavits filed by his cronies saying the name is being devalued with people not wanting to pay the ticket prices (this coming from the guy who ran Metal Edge?). Of course statements like these are being made by people with no clue. However, I think Geoff knows how difficult it is going to be for him to tour as he went out and formed a semi-supergroup rather than just go out and put his money where his mouth is.

If there was ever a test of what Queensryche is now, it was Dec. 29th at the Marquee in Tempe. What better way to take a challenge head on than to start the set off with Queen of the Reich? Literally within the first 25 seconds, the packed crowd knew this IS Queensryche. The crowd erupted with approval and stayed rabid throughout the 17 song set, often chanting "Geoff who?" between songs. Todd LaTorre nailed every note with perfection, something Geoff himself hasn't been able to do for some time. The rest of the band - Michael Wilton, Scott Rockenfield, Eddie Jackson, and Parker Lundgren - were flawless as usual. The nice thing now, and most noticeable about their live performance is that without the distraction of belly dancers and all that other bullshit, the band was running around the stage with smiles on their faces - concentrating on simply putting on a great show. They are no longer confined to their designated stages areas, looking at their watches.

I have to admit, personally, this was the best Queensryche show I have seen in several years. Gone is the Cabaret crap and back is the sweaty hard rock show. The band pulled no punches, ripping through Speak, Walk in the Shadows, The Whisper, En Force, Child of Fire, Warning, The Needle Lies, Prophecy, Roads to Madness, I Don't Believe in Love, My Empty Room and Eyes of a Stranger. The crowd was on its feet the entire time, pumping fists and screaming along with the lyrics. The band's encore included Take Hold of the Flame, Jet City Woman, Silent Lucidity and finally Empire.

This high energy show is what the band has been trying to get back to for some time, and now the time is here.

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