A Jeff Pilson Update On His Album With George Lynch
Sefany Jones,
Contributing Editor
Monday, March 11, 2002 @ 11:13 AM
The Jeff Pilson/ George Lynch
Ex-Dokken members guitarist George Lynch and bassist Jeff Pilson join forces in the studios. Here’s news from Jeff himself as reported at JeffPilson.com:
"The progress with George has been amazing and the songs are all written, just a few details here and there to work out. Wait til you hear the finished songs. I think it's the best body of work he and I have ever done. The record also has some major depth to it-from simple, hardcore grooving to involved instrumentals and textured interlude pieces, as well as a wide range of vocal approaches. It goes from fun chants to involved harmonies, gritty intensity to soft and airy. George is playing at the peak of his ability and with more fire and inspiration than I think I've ever heard from him. The grooves and music are so heavy, but there's a melodic sophistication I don't believe many bands are capable of. I'm extremely proud of this work and can't wait for everyone to hear it.
"We do finally have a drummer to record the album. His name is Michael Frowein (who is affectionately known as Fro) from Modesto, California. You more than likely haven't heard of him because he is a secret weapon George discovered. Fro, who you can learn more about at www.MysteryDrummer.com, is absolutely amazing. He has all the power and feel of all the classic rock drummers with chops and taste only a world-class drummer could have. The fact that he's undiscovered is truly the "mystery" to me. But here's where we're going to need everyone's prayers and support. Michael is going through an extremely difficult time. His mother is nearing the end of her battle with terminal cancer and likely only has days to be with us. George and I send our heartfelt sympathies to the family for what they're going through and hope all of you can do the same. This does bring up a bit of a complication in the recording of the record, but one we feel will be rightfully resolved in a short time. This does mean, however, I can't give you any definite dates, except we plan on the complete recordings beginning soon. We're well rehearsed with Fro, and it's sounding and feeling spectacular. One of the reasons we were unable to announce who the drummer would be earlier is that we weren't sure if Fro would be able to do it due to these personal matters. However, George and I concluded that as anxious as we are to deliver the record, it was worth the wait as we feel this is the right chemistry of people for the music. And the music, of course, is the most important. So again, thanks for your understanding. I think it'll be worth everyone's wait."
