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STRYPER When We Were Kings

By Alex Yarborough, Orlando Contributor
Friday, September 20, 2024 @ 9:19 AM

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When We Were Kings

2024 Frontiers


2024 is the 40th anniversary of the release of 'The Yellow and Black Attack, the EP that introduced the world to STRYPER. The band then released three classic albums, culminating with Against The Law in 1990. After that, the band went on a hiatus and some compilations were released during this time. Fast forward to 2005, and STRYPER was Reborn. The band released a few more albums (Murder By Pride and The Covering), but I consider the real rebirth of the band to be their string of albums for Frontiers Records, (which actually started with the band re-recording classic tracks on Second Coming and then No More Hell To Pay (both 2013). STRYPER went on a prolific run, releasing six studio albums since then. Not only that, but lead singer Michael Sweet is a part of several side projects (SUN BOMB, SWEET & LYNCH, his own solo band). Let's be honest, even if you don't like STRYPER, you have to admire the work ethic here. Fortunately, their music is of high quality and very listenable. The songs are catchy and sincere. Some of the band's albums I have enjoyed more than others, but for the most part you can't deny the overall drive and determination in these songs and albums. I thought maybe Michael Sweet was stretching himself too thin, but the man is a workaholic and a prolific songwriter. On the band's new 2024 release, When We Were Kings, he is singer, guitarist, songwriter and producer. STRYPER's lineup is: Michael Sweet (Lead vocals, lead and rhythm guitar), Oz Fox (Lead and rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Robert Sweet (Drums and percussion), Perry Richardson (Bass and vocals).

The Songs:

"End Of Days" is a rocking track right out of the gate. It's the type of track I like to hear from STRYPER. I love the Armageddon theme to the lyrics and Michael sounds fantastic on lead vocals. Check out that scream at the end.

"Unforgivable" relies more on groove, but is a great sounding track with power metal chords and a slinky solo. The song describes forgiving as a way of healing and moving forward.

"When We Were Kings" is a powerful mid-tempo track, and the chorus is huge and catchy, which totally makes the song work. A stadium anthem that celebrates the band's past. Check out the cool video with footage from the band's history on KNAC.COM HERE.

"Betrayed By Love" is sort of a power ballad, yet somehow not a power ballad at the same time. The song describes a betrayal and feelings of regret. It's a somewhat despondent track, which is clearly the point.

"Loves Symphony" is a standout track to me; the harmony guitars are great and the chorus is right on the money. The tempo changes are really cool too. There's a fantastic guitar solo as well. This song could easily be a single.

"Trinity" is my favorite song on the album, and the closest to the band's early sound. I love everything about this song; the lyrics, the riffs, the vocals. It all works and the song rocks.

"Rhyme Of Time" is a solid anthem, with a memorable chorus. This song is a love letter.

"Raptured" is another song that Michael really shines on. This song features a huge refrain and noodling solo.

"Grateful" has some cool guitar layers and is a catchy song that is a little reminiscent of the vibe of "Calling On You", which I discovered was the intention on this track. I like this song a lot, and consider it another single possibility.

"Divided By Design" has an aggressive guitar riff and gang vocals, which I like. I could hear this song going over great in a live setting. The lyrics address the division in the world, and calls for finding a common ground to unite upon.

"Imperfect World" closes the album out with some nice power metal riffs and an uptempo groove. Michael hits some high notes in this song. The lyrics touch on the fact that we are all imperfect, but unique and are "shooting stars".

The Artwork:

Artist Stan W Decker continues his long time association with STRYPER, and provides possibly his best cover artwork so far for them. Not only that, but the layout and design is top-notch as well. It's touches like this that make buying the physical product totally worth it.


I would rank When We Were Kings high in the order of STRYPER albums. It's a mature and accomplished work that will please long time fans. As you would expect, there are musical references to the band's legacy. The production and mix sounds crisp. Like all good music, this album is best enjoyed LOUD. So crank it up. When We Are Kings is available now from Frontiers Records.

4.5 Out Of 5.0

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